Thursday, October 14, 2010

Intro #3 - Brittany Eefting

My name is Brittany Eefting. I was born in Alberta's oil heaven Fort McMurray though I think that is the first and only time heaven and Fort Mac will be used in the same sentence. I moved to Calgary when I was 16 and have been here ever since. Moving to Calgary was one of the most critical moments in my life. It completely changed everything in the best way. So that was deep, moving on.

I have the most AMAZING family. I am in the middle with an older sister and a younger brother. My younger brother, Caleb is 14 years old and pretty much the coolest 14 year old around: super athletic, super kind, and super fun. My sister is 25, married to a very talented and funny worship pastor. My sister is one of my best friends and has the cutest son in the entire world and yes I am the crazy auntie who spoils him like mad.
My parents are the best. My mom is for sure my best friend and my dad is my biggest fan and my greatest support.
My family is said to be abnormally close and crazy. From making ridiculous movies on family day, to our crazy love for the Toronto Maple Leafs, and our fierce competitiveness I guess I could agree we are a bit nuts but my life is so full because of them. I could gush for an entire blog about them, alas this is supposed to be about me. So we move on and I will let you all know what I have been doing the last few years and what I am doing now.

I graduated high school in 2007 and attended Rocky Mountain Bible College for a year, mostly to sing in their choir and take voice lessons (music is my life). After that year I went to Mount Royal University to get my Diploma in Early Learning and Child Care ( I looove children). I graduated this past spring and took the summer to basically relax before my new life as a real adult began. Now I am a full time nanny for a fantastic family with two little girls. My job brings me much joy, a lot of laughs, and a lot of yawns.It also brings me a paycheck so I can live in the life together house ( pretty good transition to the next section eh?)

Why did I choose to come to life together? hmm well I have always been super intrigued by the idea of communal living. For years now I have said that one day I would try it. When I heard about Life Together at church I was super interested in it. There it was, my communal living experience combined with my faith! perfecto! I was going to be done school and ready to move out but not so ready to move out that I wanted to live alone. The life together house just seemed like a fit. I LOVE learning with and from people. So it was so clear to me that this is something God would use to impact my life greatly and wanted me to do. When I look forward into this year I have so many dreams and goals my mind gets jumbled thinking about them. I am a passionate person who loves to learn but when I find something I love I am all in. This year I am looking to find balance within my faith. Focusing on listening to God and following through on the things He shows me. I know He has great things in store and I want to be in tune enough to figure it out. I am so extremely excited about this year.

And that’s me.

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