Thursday, May 20, 2010

we lost a good man out there today....

Much has happened since the intros. Let's be honest, the intros should have been done the first week of September, and then we should have moved on from there with weekly updates. That was the intention and that was the promise as well. There is no telling how many thousands of readers we have lost by being so terrible at blogging.

Anyway, a quick recap, perhaps? Point form, you say? Can do. Then we'll have a vote for what to expand on. Good.

- April saw a few birthdays, which means special meals and lots of cake and/or ice cream. No kidding on the word "lots" either.

- We were fortunate enough to have the conference's AGM here in Calgary this year. That means we had an opportunity to host a BBQ at the house, which was surprisingly well attended, and hopefully not just because we were advertising free food. The AGM also gives us a chance to share more of what's happening here at the house with everyone (in the meeting setting) and with individuals (in conversations throughout the weekend).

- Two days after AGM was over, we (all 8 of us) took off for our experiential/educational road trip. We headed west and visited with pastors and leaders of various churches and organizations - all of whom shared their answers to our question for the trip: How are God's people responding to the world? Each person/group gave us their answer for their particular context and we got to see a lot of answers to that question. We will have a more detailed post on the trip whether you vote for it or not.

- Two days after we got back from the trip we lost Greg Jensen. Not to death, but to Winnipeg, which is a close second to death. Things will be different here without Greg, but we are happy to see how happy he is to be back in the city he loves. Greg is preparing for the Winnipeg Life Together house that is starting this fall.

We have 3 new applicants for the fall so far. That is very, very exciting. They are very excited, we are very excited, the whole situation is just... just so... exciting.

God is good to us. It's great when we can recognize it.


1 comment:

Randall Friesen said...

The AGM open house was a great idea, and as I heard it said, one of the highlights of the conference.

So good on ya.

And yes please, more on that road trip.

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