We are on the last full day of the first year of Life Together. Do we call it year 1, year A, the inaugural year, the year of foundations, the year of access to old angry Greg? What do we choose??? I'll let you all decide for yourselves, as we have no official title for each year.
The reality is this is weird. We did/are doing a few things together as a group before everyone but Thomas heads out to their next phase... we did a great (read: strenuous to difficult) hike up sulphur mountain (and lazily rode the gondola down) and relaxed together in the Banff hot springs after our legs were rubbery. For us guys, it was a redemption trip to the hot springs, as the last time we were there we thought it would be fun to rent the olde timey one piece swimsuits, which it turned out was in no way fun. Quite the opposite, actually.
Anyway, the summer has been interesting with both Hilary and I on various trips for school and vacation, and everyone else on their own trips, or working at camps, or on their own vacation with family.
The hard reality with Life Together is that we do want people to be living their lives as they live in this house, and that sometimes means not everyone is available for everything we want to do every time. This has been the case all year, and is the very, very different way things work here as opposed to a bible college model where everyone is on the same schedule pretty much the entire year.
So it would be fitting that we don't have Scotty here tonight for our "Last Supper" at Life Together Year 1A. That might be hard or weird, or it might just be par for the course. My guess is it will be hard or weird.
Tomorrow Miranda heads back home to Winfield, and Eric moves out to his place downtown. As that happens I pick up Aaron from the airport and then the rest of the noobies move in on the 1st to start Life Together Year 2B.
So much for turnaround time.
We are grateful for your prayers and support. Please pray for those moving on from Life Together Year 1A. Some of them are taking bold moves, some are taking smart moves, and all but Thomas are taking moves away from this house and this experience, and we hope we can continue to be a part of their lives as they journey with God.
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