No, the wings are not the danger I had in mind. No, I do not have vegetarian aspirations (sorry, Phil). Nor do I feel like choking is a major hazard in the whole wing night experience...
I do not spend too much time on issues of spiritual warfare. Perhaps my default is to claim innocence (read: ignorance) and hope that I'll be seen as the child of God that is protected by that great Father God of love and hope and peace etc... under his arms and shielded from "that realm" of happenings. Any of these things may be true, but the danger I see is this:
If there is something I believe Satan/Evil/Darkness/Nothingness is hoping for most of all in the context of this entire Life Together year, it's that those of us involved would settle for simply living our own lives in this house. Yes, we can do the "things" required of us - service, making meals, being hospitable, giving to the local church, showing up for scripture readings and events and speakers/teachers... but if we are not on a path and trajectory of being involved more deeply in the lives of those that we live with, darkness wins. Not being involved (read: mentally, physically, spiritually involved) in the listed requirements above would be second only to the danger of us not intentionally deepening our role in each others' lives.
It would be too easy/comfortable/normal for us to be just ourselves alone - working, studying, eating, playing - not un-involved in the lives of those in the house, but not involved in the way we spoke of previously.
I pray and ask God for grace for our house as we intentionally involve ourselves in deepening roles in our lives together. I pray for God's Spirit to be greatly involved as we head out for wings on a whim as well. God does this. God wants to.
Psalm 133:1 - "How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity."
Hey jb- you sure know how to put your finger on very basic, to the "bottom of the heart" relational needs. So often we are content with living on the surface, doing all the "right things" and feel like we're connected - when really - we're not. But you're so right, God wants more for us. And when it happens life is good. Thanks for sharing!
100 wings for $15? That's 15 cents per wing! I haven't seen a deal like that for ages!
What I meant to say was...I hope you all are taking advantage of the opportunity to deeply fellowship with one another. As, I look back to University memories, I was shaped by those deep conversations with peers. Even if it was a one time encounter with a brother in the faith, I was changed.
May I suggest another aspect of the Enemy's tools? It would be that you all would, indeed, share deeply with each other but would not lovingly "call one another out" when that sharing revealed areas of heart, mind, soul, or strength that are resisting submission to the Living Word for fear of offending each other. The key word, of course, is "lovingly". May God richly bless your community with love for one another, your neighbour, Himself, and obedience to Jesus's commands!
I believe I speak on behalf of all vegetarians when I say.... "ew, 100 wings?!?"
;P Cheers Joel
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